Parents blessed with Spirit filled children and teensDo you tire of the same old thing regarding your children and children's and youth ministry in your church?
Are you tired of just being a spectator in the adult service? Then David Walters anointing can bring about a change for the better! David is leading a Generation of ANOINTED Families into Revival! You can bring his insight and anointed teaching to your church. David desires to bring a new Direction for Church Leadership, and will show you how to: -Bring about a paradigm shift to churches stuck in religious mindsets -Raise your children in God's Kingdom and prepare them for the coming revival -Have youngsters become powerful in evangelism and see them operating in spiritual gifts -Turn church wise kids and teens into anointed, passionate warriors for the Lord -Have an anointed infant ministry -Bring a fresh vision to the church families and single adults David Walters can be reached, or followed thru any of the following: Twitter: @DavidGoodnews FaceBook: @DavidWaltersMinistry Office Number: 478-757-8071 Cell Number: 478-960-5768 eMail: [email protected] Website: You're already on it.... |